Sunday, January 3, 2010


As I prepare to travel back to Oakland in late January I have put a lot of thought into the differences between the north and the south. The stereotypes about the south seem to come true at times but Georgia is hospitable and ever changing. As much I have enjoyed my time here in Atlanta I will forever be loyal to the "best coast". I always warn strangers not to ask me where I am from because I rep Oakland to the fullest. My pride for my hometown overflows in my smile, when asked "where you from?" Even after people make that, "Damn, Oakland... that's rough" face. Some things and outsider can and will never understand. Only in Oakland can you get some of the best mangos with chili and lime from a street vendor for a few bucks while still being home to some of the Bay Areas best restaurants. Only in Oakland can a people stand strong against street crime and raised taxes after electing a once retired mayor who watches over his city with eyes wide shut, keeping our cities deficit higher than ever.
Oakland is like no other and the children who grow up there are comparable to none, a different breed by far. We raise our children in Oakland conscious to the differences between ourselves but do not dwell on them. Where as the south seems to still be crawling away from Jim Crow. As a Northerner I can appreciate my racism out in the open but it can be difficult to swallow when walking to your local Stone Mountain, Georgia grocery store past a shadow that your swore to closely resembles a white hood. Having to warn your children not to play in the streets because a driver might suddenly getting out of their car and let it drive itself some how seems less scary than your neighbor who has flashbacks of fond memories of separate water fountains.
One way we differ than those in the south, we are tolerant, smiling in your face while plotting against you. One thing you can say about southern people is that you can always count on a train track to separate those who do not care for one another, they do not tolerate those they do not like. Surprisingly I am not a fan of tolerance, to tolerate someone or something is just to simply deal with it, not understand it. Backwards as it may sound I will gladly stay on my side of the tracks if you have no desire to understand or empathize with me, at least I will always know where we stand.
Noticing all of the many different things about my hometown and my new home, I can appreciate where I am going and where I come from. OAKLAND!